Lenovo T420 Base System Device Driver
This page contains the driver installation download for Base System Device in supported models (ThinkPad T420 (4236CK8)) that are running a supported operating system.
- T420 Base System Device Windows 10
- Lenovo T420 Base System Device
- T420s Base System Device
- Base System Device Driver Vaio
- Bluetooth devices come really handy for every one. With appropriate Bluetooth drivers installed, you have every access to your wireless keyboard, your wireless mouse, your wireless headphones, your wireless speakers, and tons of other things on your laptops and desktops.
- On my HP Pavilion dv 9500 series laptop installing Windows 7 Ultimate, I get base system device error, base system device driver not found. Devices are on - PCI bus 7, device 9, function 2. & pci bus 7, device 9, function 3. These are found in the device manager under other devices.
What am I seeing?
T420 Base System Device Windows 10
Windows* Device Manager may show Base System Device with an exclamation mark on a yellow question mark:
How to fix it.
Install the latest chipset driver for your system.
What if I still have the error after installing the latest chipset driver?
Lenovo T420 Base System Device
If you still have the error after rebooting, download the latest Onboard Network Driver for Microsoft Windows*, unzip the file, and run:
T420s Base System Device
appsPROSETDX<OS version>DxSetup.EXE
You may also install the driver without installing any PROSET software by running:
Base System Device Driver Vaio
appssetupSETUPBD<OS version>SetupBD.EXE