Microsoft Basic Optical Mouse V2.0 Driver

Jul 30, 2010  My basic optical mouse V2.0 stopped working I am running windows 7 ultimate and my mouse has worked for about 5 months then one day I turned on my computer and it was working and then it just stopped I checked all the usb ports it wont work in any but it works fine in the other computer and all of my other usb devices work fine in my computer. Nov 23, 2011  Initially mouse getting installed successfully, but after taking shutdown and total power Off and again when I power ON.the usb mouse not working.I have to reconnect the USB cord/cable then only its working.if I restarted machine there is no problem,but only when switch total power off after shutdown this happened.

Microsoft USB Basic Optical Mouse V2.0 (IntelliPoint) driver

Microsoft USB Basic Optical Mouse V2.0 (IntelliPoint) driver is a windows driver .

Common questions for Microsoft USB Basic Optical Mouse V2.0 (IntelliPoint) driver

Q: Where can I download the Microsoft USB Basic Optical Mouse V2.0 (IntelliPoint) driver's driver?
Please download it from your system manufacturer's website. Or you download it from our website.
Q: Why my Microsoft USB Basic Optical Mouse V2.0 (IntelliPoint) driver doesn't work after I install the new driver?
1. Please identify the driver version that you download is match to your OS platform.
2. You should uninstall original driver before install the downloaded one.
3. Try a driver checking tool such as DriverIdentifier Software .Microsoft Basic Optical Mouse V2.0 Driver
As there are many drivers having the same name, we suggest you to try the Driver Tool, otherwise you can try one by on the list of available driver below.
Please scroll down to find a latest utilities and drivers for your Microsoft USB Basic Optical Mouse V2.0 (IntelliPoint) driver.Be attentive to download software for your operating system.
Driver for optical mouseIf none of these helps, you can contact us for further assistance.

Microsoft USB Basic Optical Mouse V2.0 (IntelliPoint) driver download list

Description: Microsoft USB Basic Optical Mouse V2.0 (IntelliPoint) driver setup
Version: 4.2.8
Date: 09 Sep 2014
Filesize: 0.81 MB
Operating system: Windows XP, Visa, Windows 7,8 (32 & 64 bits)

Microsoft Basic Optical Mouse Black

Filename:Microsoft basic optical mouse software Microsoft Hardware USB
Date: 2010-06-29
Filesize: 1.61M

Optical Mouse Driver Download

Operating system: Windows XP,Vista, Windows 7 Filename: Microsoft Hardware wireless mouse
Version: 007.010.344.000
Date: 2009-11-03
Filesize: 105.55K
Operating system: Windows XP,Vista, Windows 7 Filename: Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Detection
Date: 2009-05-08
Filesize: 103.65K
Operating system: Windows XP,Vista, Windows 7

DriverIdentifier Tool

Microsoft Basic Optical Mouse V2.0 Drivers

Find the drivers quickly
Download directly from OEM
Designed for Windows 8, 7, Vista, XP


References to Vista also apply to Windows 7.
Do these to clear corruption and repair/replace damaged/missing system files.
Start - type in Search box - COMMAND find at top of list - RIGHT CLICK - RUN AS ADMIN
sfc /scannow
How to Repair Windows 7 System Files with System File Checker
Then run checkdisk (chkdsk).
How to Run Disk Check in Windows 7
Then lets refresh the USB Stack.

Microsoft Basic Optical Mouse 1.0a

Control Panel - Device Manager - click anywhere in the blank/white area - then VIEW - Show
Disabled Devices - look everywhere (except USB Controllers) for your MOUSE (may have
none or more than one) and Right Click on it - UNINSTALL.
Control Panel - Device Manager - USB Serial Controllers - RIGHT CLICK on EVERYTHING and
UNINSTALL all except the category itself - REBOOT - this refreshes the driver and the USB stack
This KB shows the XP how to and the Vista and Windows 7 methods are identical

Driver For Microsoft Basic Optical Mouse V2.0

Here is a utility to help but do the above 1st.

USBDeview is a small utility that lists all USB devices that currently connected to your computer,
as well as all USB devices that you previously used. Run it Options and check the 1st three
choices to see if any are there.
You would remove all instances of the devices then reboot.
If needed try both of these :
Tips for solving problems with USB devices - and a Mr Fixit
Hardware devices not detected or not working - Mr Fixit
Hope this helps.

Microsoft Basic Optical Mouse V2 0 Driver Download

Rob Brown - MS MVP - Windows Desktop Experience : Bicycle - Mark Twain said it right.