Teamviewer Free License Expired

  1. Trial License Expired Teamviewer
  2. Teamviewer Free License Key
  3. Teamviewer Free Licence Expired
  4. Teamviewer Free License Non Commercial Use
  5. Teamviewer Free License Trial Expired
  6. Teamviewer Free License Expired How Do You Renew

TeamViewer Trial expired If you believe that you installed TeamViewer and chose commercial or both accidentally, and you are really only using TeamViewer for personal, non-commercial use, then we may be able to remove the trial period for you so that TeamViewer reverts back to the free version.

One common mistake most people commit while installing Teamviewer on their system is that, they forget to select the option ‘For Personal Use’ and instead install with the default option ‘For Commercial Use’. As a result teamviewer stops functioning after a couple of days from installation. Even though you are genuinely using it for personal use you’ll no longer be able to use Teamviewer.

Here’s a solution to fix this problem :

1> First uninstall the copy of Teamviewer from your system. This can be done with free uninstallers or by using Window’s default ‘Add or remove‘ program which can be found at: ‘Start’ –> ‘Settings’ –> ‘Control Panel’

2> Click on Start –> Run –> type %appdata% –> delete TeamViewer folder and also delete “C:Program FilesTeamviewer

3> Delete registry folder: hkcu/software/teamviewer and hklm/software/teamviewer

4> Refer to this tutorial to change the MAC Address:

5> Clean your systems registry – you can use a free registry cleaner for this purpose-

6> Once you have completely wiped out Teamviewer out of your system – install a fresh copy of Teamviewer. Ensure you select the option ‘Personal Use’ (I’m assuming that you are playing fair here) !

Related: Solve Commercial Use Suspected teamviewer problem

TeamViewer Trial Period Has Expired (Fix)

Trial reset is very simple. We have only three jobs.
2. Change MAC ID.

First uninstall the copy of TeamViewer from your system.
Click on Start menu> Control Panel> Programs and Features> Find the Teamviewer> click it to select it, and then click Uninstall.
2. Clean & delete 'TeamViewer' folder from this path. (Choose your windows drive)
Note:- Only Delete Teamviewer folder.

Trial License Expired Teamviewer

C:Program Files (x86)
And Find Team Viewer Enter and Delete.
3. Delete registry folder: (Compulsory)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/software/TeamViewer on win32
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Wow6432Node/TeamViewer on win64
4. Clean your systems registry (Optional)

Teamviewer Free License Key

Teamviewer Free Licence Expired

5. Change MAC address of your Computer. (Compulsory)
Download Technitium MAC Address Changer and change dynamic mac.

6. Download & install a fresh copy of TeamViewer. (Compulsory)
7. Start TeamViewer

Teamviewer Free License Non Commercial Use

Start TeamViewer [You’ll see your PC has a new TeamViewer ID]
Now Enjoy.....

Teamviewer Free License Trial Expired

Teamviewer Free License Expired How Do You Renew